Starting the E+ Neurodiversity Power project

Starting the E+ Neurodiversity Power project 0

The INNOWA team began the work on the project financed by the ERASMUS+ program “Toolkit For Company’s Neurodiversity Management – Neurodiversity Power” on August 1, with number 2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000028059.

The project is coordinated by the Weber Foundation (Madrid, Spain) and 3 other partners participate, which are ACTA Center (Oradea, Romania), CATRO (Sofia, Bulgaria) and BOSEV (Ankara, Turkey). With a total budget of €150,892. the objective of Neurodiversity Power is to increase awareness, visibility and understanding of neurodivergent people in the workplace, creating tools that facilitate real inclusion, avoid any form of bullying and embrace a form of brain performance different but just as effective if these tools are applied well.

You can follow the progress of the project on its website and also through social networks Facebook o Linkedin.

Starting the E+ Neurodiversity Power project 1
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